4 x matched JJ EL34 II – Quad of brand new, fully tested and digitally matched power valves.
This superb JJ valve kit is for 4 x EL34 Mark II matched power valves/power tubes.
The JJ EL34 Mark II power valve was created as a result of customer demand. This valve sets new standards and is a great way of getting NOS quality without paying the price penalty.
Reviewers of this valve have described it as follows:
“Less flat than a standard EL34 with a better attack”, “Excellent replacements for Vintage ’60s and ’70s amps”, “fuller mids and better low ends”. “Fuller and warmer in the bottom end”. “More robust and better life”.
Yes, there is a slight price penalty but when you compare how much you paid for your equipment I don’t think a few pounds more for your valves is a bad investment.
EL34 versus EL34 Mark II: which is best?
So the obvious question is how does the JJ EL34 compare with the JJ EL34 II?
How come on the forums some people prefer the EL34 and some the EL34 II? Why is there such a difference of opinion?
The answer to these questions lies in the fact that there are so many other variables that affect people’s opinions. Just think how many other variables besides the valves affect the tone:
- The amp you are using (which model, how old, what bias settings etc)
- The amp settings.
- The guitar you are using ( I have two identical Les Pauls and they sound completely different).
- What pedals are in the chain affecting the tone?
- The musical style you are looking for.
- The sound that you have in your head that you think is the best.
- The acoustics in the room you play in.
- The volume you play at.
- Your technique ….. I could go on but you get the idea.
Having said all of that, the EL34 II is certainly fatter in the middle range and tighter in the bottom end in the standard JJ EL34. It also can cope extremely well with the massive power and voltages generated in a 100W amplifier. As a result, it will have a longer life than the standard EL34. It will of course respond differently in different amps.
If you are serious about YOUR tone then certainly give the EL34 Mark 2 a try – we have never had a single customer return a set so they are clearly impressed.
EL34 II guitar valves – get your amp sounding better than ever.
Whether you decide on the standard EL34 or the EL34 II for your amplifier the sound improvement will be amazing.
Old valves lose their tone and their power. So whilst guitarists are very good at changing their guitar strings to maintain the sound, they tend to forget to change their amp valves as often as they should.
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