6L6 Valves Tubes For Sale

6L6 and 6L6GC power valves for sale

We are the leading supplier for high quality graded and matched 6L6 and 6L6GC power valves.

The 6L6 is the generic name for this tube and the 6L6GC is simply a later and improved version. Any amp that takes a 6L6 valve can upgrade to a 6L6GC valve and enjoy the benefits.

JJ 6L6GC power valves for guitar amplifiers

The JJ Electronics 6L6GC valve is an upgrade for most valve amplifiers. These valves have an extremely high build quality resulting in long life, superb tonal range and reliability.

We recommend the JJ 6L6 for Fender Hot Rods, Mesa Boogie, Peavey, Orange, Vox, Blackstar, Marshall  and many more.

We also stock the superb Electro Harmonix 6L6 valves for those customers who prefer this brand.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to see all of the products we currently have in stock.

Why choose JJ 6L6GC matched power valves?

We particularly like this valve because it offers more headroom than most. The sound is smooth and rounded, warm and fat which is perfect for guitarists. It delivers the full tonal range with a deep bass, a full middle and the searing top end that lead guitarists love so much.

Mesa Boogie Owners: We supply perfectly graded and matched 6L6GC valves for Mesa Boogie amps so that you do not need to re-bias the amp.

Our reputation for quality in both our products and our customer service is well known across the globe – so buy with total confidence.

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