Blackstar HT20

Blackstar HT20

Valves for Blackstar HT20 amplifier.

The Blackstar HT20 amplifier uses:

  • 2 x ECC83 (also known as 12AX7) preamp valves.
  • 2 x EL34 matched power valves/power tubes.

If you have the HT20 MKII version of this amp you will need a different set of valves as it uses different power valves.

Note: The Phase Inverter is Solid State so you do not need a balanced ECC83 for this amp.

We always recommend JJ valves for the Blackstar HT20 amplifier. They guarantee awesome tone and long life at a very competitive price. Remember, JJ is one of only five manufacturers of valves in the world.

So this means you are not paying higher prices for the same valves that have simply been rebranded by a “boutique” valve seller.

Order your valves for the Blackstar HT20 below and hear the difference.

So restore the power, tone and sparkle to your guitar amplifier. Treat yourself to a brand new set of valves today. 

  • Best valves for the Blackstar HT20 amplifier.
  • All valve kits are carefully chosen, fully tested and digitally matched.
  • We offer a range of fast delivery options with full tracking and insurance. So order with confidence.
  • Global shipping – we ship all over the world.

Replace the Valves on Blackstar HT20 amplifier.

So if you have any questions about replacing the valves for Blackstar HT20 please do not hesitate to contact us. We have over 30 years experience so one of our team is always happy to help.

If you have never changed your valves before please look at our very helpful FAQ section before you contact us.

Here we answer all the most popular questions we get asked every week about changing and upgrading your tubes.

About the Blackstar HT20 amp:

The HT Studio 20 combo is the big brother of the critically acclaimed HT-5. It offers huge versatility for home, rehearsal or studio use.

They’ve carefully voiced the preamp and coupled it with a cathode-biased EL34 power amp. Therefore this provides the user with the ability to create wonderfully lush valve tones through the 12″ Celestion speaker.

They’ve made the  Clean Channel on the Blackstar tube amp to give a wide range of clean and moderately overdriven tones. They’ve voiced this to be typical of many ’boutique’ style amplifiers. Plus they’ve given it a ringing Class A type performance.

The HT Studio 20 Overdrive Channel is characterised by a tone that’s high in gain. But it lacks any of the detached top-end ‘fizz’ often found in many similar designs. This is a result of unique preamplifier and power amplifier shaping techniques.

Finally, the overdrive cleans up beautifully as the guitar volume is reduced. So even at the most extreme settings, the Overdrive Channel remains natural sounding.


  • 20 Watt valve combo.
  • Valves/Tubes for Blackstar HT20: 2 x preamp ECC83 and 2 x EL34 power valves.
  • 12″ Celestion speaker.
  • Digital reverb.
Tubes for sale for the Blackstar HT20 amplifier

So order yours today and get your amp sounding better than ever.

Simply choose the complete replacement valve kit or the seperate valves for your amplifier below:
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