Replacement JJ Valve Kit For Marshall JMP 2204 MKII (3 x ECC83 2 x Matched EL34)

Best Replacement Valve Kit For Marshall JMP 2204 MKII


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All single valves, matched pairs and matched quads are fully tested in our warehouse before dispatch. These valves will guarantee awesome tone and amazing power. You WILL hear the difference. So get your amp sounding better than ever. Order your replacement valves today.


Replacement valve kit for Marshall JMP 2204 amplifiers
Best replacement valve kit for Marshall JMP 2204 amplifiers.

Best replacement valve kit for your Marshall JMP2204

What Valves Does The Marshall JMP 2204 Amplifier Use?

This superb replacement valve kit for the Marshall JMP2204 contains 3 x Selected Premium Grade JJ ECC83 preamp valves (also called 12AX7) and 2 x Selected Premium Grade JJ EL34 matched power valves/power tubes.

We always recommend JJ tubes for the Marshall JMP 2204 amplifier. These premium quality valves give superior tone and power – and long life.

We also offer Marshall EL34 power valves for guitarists who specifically want the Marshall brand.

Replacement Valve Kit for your Marshall JMP 2204 amplifier

  • Superior quality valves giving amazing tone and power.
  • Every valve kit is carefully selected, fully tested and digitally matched before we ship to you.
  • We offer a range of delivery options with full tracking and insurance. So order with total confidence.
  • International orders – we ship all over the world every single day.

If you have any questions about replacing the valves on your Marshall JMP2204 please drop us an email. We have over 30 years of experience and so one of our friendly team will be happy to advise.

Also, do check out our FAQ section as we may well have already answered your question in there.

About the Marshall JMP 2204 MKII amp:

Marshall is one of those iconic amp companies that is so synonymous with the music world in general. They have been so easily recognized primarily because of the hard rock guys from the 70s and 60s who really put this company to the forefront for many people. They have such a great sound, great voicing, and pretty much any style of music around.

The Marshall 2204 JMP MKII Master Volume Lead is a very simple, yet very loud 50-watt all-tube amp that gives the highly sought after “Marshall tone”. The 2204 is set up with three pre-amp tubes (12ax7), and two power tubes, normally 6550s or EL34s. Most people prefer the British sound of the EL34. The only knobs found on this amp are for Presence, Bass, Middle, Treble, Master Volume, and Pre-Amp Volume.

It only has a single channel, but inputs for High and Low Sensitivity allow you to play anything from super clean to super raunchy with just the turn of a volume knob. As far as volume, this thing is LOUD, basically like any Marshall. Get the thing above a four or five and your ears will be ringing for days! If you can pick one of these beauties up, do it. They are becoming rarer and are some of the best sounding amps ever made.

Additional information

Weight0.35 kg
Dimensions15 × 15 × 15 cm


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Best Replacement Valve Kit For Marshall JMP 2204 MKII

Replacement JJ Valve Kit For Marshall JMP 2204 MKII (3 x ECC83 2 x Matched EL34)


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