Replacement valve kit for Marshall DSL15C (3 x ECC83 1 x Balanced ECC83 2 x Matched 6V6S)

Best replacement valve kit for the Marshall DSL15C combo


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All single valves, matched pairs and matched quads are fully tested in our warehouse before dispatch. These valves will guarantee awesome tone and amazing power. You WILL hear the difference. So get your amp sounding better than ever. Order your replacement valves today.


Best replacement valve kit for Marshall DSL15C amplifiers?

This superb replacement valve kit for the Marshall DSL15C combo contains:

  • 3 x Selected Premium Grade JJ ECC83 preamp valves (also known as 12AX7).
  • 1 x Selected Premium Grade JJ Balanced ECC83 for the phase inverter in position V4.
  • 2 x Selected Premium Grade JJ 6V6S matched power valves/power tubes.

We always recommend JJ tubes for the Marshall DSL15C amplifier. This is because they guarantee awesome tone and power at a great price. JJ is one of only five manufacturers of valves in the world. So don’t be fooled into paying more for rebranded versions of the exact same valves. You can buy valves as singles, power valves as matched pairs or a complete kit.

We always recommend you replace all the valves at the same time if you possibly can. It will ensure you get the best possible sound from your amp

Do you have any queries about this replacement valve kit?

If you have any questions please drop us an email. We have over 30 years experience so we will be happy to help.

Do visit our FAQ Section first though. Here we answer all the most popular questions we get asked each month. You will also find lots of useful tips on upgrading your valves.

  • Selected premium-grade JJ valves that deliver superior tone and power.
  • Every one of our kits is carefully selected, fully tested, digitally graded, balanced and matched before we ship to you.
  • We have a range of fast delivery options that are fully tracked and insured. So you know they will arrive safely.
  • International orders. We ship all over the world every single day.
  • We have over 30 years in the business so you are in very safe hands.

About the Marshall DSL15 amplifier.

As the name suggests, the DSL (Dual Super Lead) is a two-channel design. It has two pairs of gain and volume controls called Classic Gain and Ultra Gain, feeding a shared bass, mid and treble EQ. The Marshall DSL15 EQ’s range is widened by a button called Tone Shift. This is a useful feature that reduces the midrange for a flatter response and smoother attack.

This amp also offers clean and Lead 2 overdrive voicings. The resonance control of its larger siblings (for instance, the new Marshall DSL100 head) is replaced with a preset Deep switch and one reverb level control for both channels. There’s also no standby switch on the Marshall DSL15 models which is often the case with many Marshall amps.

On the rear panel, there are three fixed-impedance output jacks, with pentode/triode switching to reduce output power roughly by half. This is a highly desirable feature because it allows the early breakup of the amp at reduced volume setting. The triode option also reduces high-frequency response for a warmer feel on the Marshall DSL15C.

So, get your amp sounding better than ever. Order your new JJ valves today and hear the difference.

Additional information

Weight0.320 kg
Dimensions15 × 15 × 15 cm


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Best replacement valve kit for the Marshall DSL15C combo

Replacement valve kit for Marshall DSL15C (3 x ECC83 1 x Balanced ECC83 2 x Matched 6V6S)


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