
Need a replacement valve kit for Jet City 22H amplifiers?
This replacement valve kit for Jet City 22H will get your amplifier sounding better than ever. These premium quality valves are a significant upgrade in tone and power compared with the stock valves. So get your amplifier sounding better than ever with this stunning valve kit. The best amplifier valves on the market today.
This Replacement Valve Kit for Jet City JCA 22H comprises: 4 x Selected Premium Grade JJ ECC83 preamp valves (also called 12AX7), 1 x Selected Premium Grade JJ Balanced ECC83 for the phase inverter and 2 x Selected Premium Grade JJ EL84 matched power valves/power tubes.
The balanced valve goes into the V5 position which is the preamp valve furthest from the input jack.
We always recommend JJ valves for the Jet City 22H amplifier. This is because they guarantee you will get superb tone and power at a very attractive price. We believe these are the best valves/tubes for this amplifier. You can order these amplifier valves singly or the power valves as matched pairs. However, we recommend that you change all your valves at the same time. It’s a small price to pay to ensure you are getting the very best tone possible from your amplifier.
Rediscover the power and clarity of your Jet City 22H guitar amplifier. So treat yourself to a brand new set of valves today.
- Awesome tone. Surely the number one priority for any guitarist has to be the tone of the amplifier. Just compare the sound of these valves with others and you’ll be amazed.
- Sustained valve/tube. Power to make the most of every stage in the amplifier chain.
- Long valve/tube life. Guitar amps by their very nature have to be built to take a lot of knocks. The same is true of the valves.
Do you have any questions about the replacement valve kit for Jet City JCA 22H amplifiers?
If you have any questions about replacing the valves on Jet City 22H please drop us an email and we will get straight back to you.
We have more than 30 years experience so we are sure we can help.
We also recommend that you take a look at our very helpful FAQ section. Here you will find the answers to most questions as well as loads of useful hints and tips.
The best replacement valve kit for the Jet City 22H on the market today.
- Every valve kit is carefully selected, fully tested, digitally balanced and matched before we ship to you.
- Selected Premium Grade JJ valves for superior tone, power and performance.
- A range of fast delivery options with full tracking and insurance. So order with total confidence.
- Global delivery – we ship all over the world every single day.
About the Jet City JCA22H amp:
In summary, the Jet City JCA22H is a 20 watt, two-channel head. It is powered by 5 x ECC83 and 2 x EL84. The manufacturer says “We took the legendary JCA20H and added a second, footswitch-accessible overdrive channel, along with a tube-buffered, serial effects loop”. The Jet City JCA22H features a shared EQ for both channels and separate preamp gain and master volumes. It can deliver spanky cleans through to high-gain overdrive.
In addition to the Bass, Middle, and Treble control there is a presence control for further tone shaping. The Jet City JCA22H also has an effects loop and foot-switchable channels making it ideal for live use. So Jet City describe the JCA20H as “delivering the utmost in tone while being affordable enough for musicians slugging out a living on the small stage”.
Click here to read more about the Jet City 22H amplifier.
This is a Replacement Valve Kit for Jet City 22H and Replacement Tube Kit for Jet City 22H guitar amplifiers.
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