Vox AC30 C2 amplifier

Vox AC30C2

Valves for Vox AC30C2 and AC30C2X amplifier.

The Vox AC30C2 and AC30C2X amplifiers both use:

  • 2 x ECC83 (also known as 12AX7) preamp valves.
  • 1 x selected and balanced ECC83 for the phase splitter position V3.
  • 4 x EL84 matched power valves/power tubes.

(The C2 has Celestion Greenback speakers and the C2X has Celestion Alnico Blue speakers).

All the Vox AC30 amps are cathode-biased, so you do not need to re-bias the amp when changing your power valves.

We always recommend JJ valves for Vox AC30C2 amplifier. This is because they guarantee amazing tone and power at a very competitive price.

So order your valves below and get your amp sounding better than ever.

So bring back the power, tone, and sparkle to your guitar amplifier. Treat yourself to a brand new set of valves today. 

  • Best valve set for this Vox amplifier. So a significant upgrade when compared to the standard valves supplied with this amp.
  • All valves are carefully chosen, fully tested and digitally matched before we ship them to you. 100% warranty on every valve.
  • Fast delivery options with full tracking and insurance. So order with total confidence.
  • Global shipping – we ship all over the world every single day.

Replace the Valves for Vox AC30 Custom: AC30C2 and AC30C2X amplifiers.

If you have any questions about replacing the valves for Vox AC30C2 and AC30C2X please do not hesitate to drop us an email. We have over 30 years in the industry so we will be happy to help.

It’s also well worth taking a look at our FAQ section. Here we answer all the most popular questions and give you loads of tips on upgrading your tubes.

What our customers say about these valves:

Best Tubes For Vox AC30 C2 Amplifier

“I have just installed the new valves in my amp and I swear I thought there was something wrong with it at first while it was heating up, because it was so quiet it felt unreal, but, as soon as I hit the first chord it truly started singing. It was definitely in need of a new set of valves and I am glad I shopped with you. I am 100% going to recommend you to all my friends! The amp now roars like never before and I sincerely hope it’s not going to upset the neighbours!  A.A.

” I have to say, the difference your valves make against the original valves is amazing and provides a great tone with the Strat and the Les Paul. Many thanks for an excellent product” A.B.

About the Vox AC30C2 and AC30C2X amps:

The Vox AC30 C2 amp first became available in early 2010. This is a 30-watt class A all-tube amp.

It uses 3 x ECC83(12AX7) tubes, one of which should be balanced and 4 x EL84 matched power tubes.

A slight variation on this model is that the valve rectifier was replaced with a solid-state version. Purists will not like this because it’s not original. But, on the plus side, the sound is now solid and it avoids the headaches of having a valve rectifier fail. The Vox AC30 C2 has that classic Vox AC30 sound and chime.

The speakers have been improved with the use of Celestion Greenbacks (25 watts a side) whilst the AC30C2X uses the Celestion Alnico Blue speakers. This is a two-channel amp and it’s really loud. It has that beautiful British sound that guitarists love.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning the lovely spring reverb and, of course, the classic Vox tremolo.

Tubes for sale for Vox AC30C2 and AC30C2X.

So replace the Valves for Vox AC30C2 and AC30C2X. Order yours today and get your amp sounding better than ever!

Simply choose the complete replacement valve kit or the seperate valves for your amplifier below:
Replacement Valve Kit For VOX AC30C2

Replacement Valve Kit For Vox AC30C2 (2 x ECC83 1 x Balanced ECC83 4 x Matched EL84)

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4 x JJ EL84 matched valves for sale

EL84 (6BQ5) Matched Quad Power Valves – JJ NEW TESTED (4 x EL84)

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