valves for Peavey Valveking 212 amplifier

Peavey ValveKing 212

Looking for great sounding valves for Peavey Valveking 212 amplifier? You’ve come to the right place.

Valves for Peavey Valveking 212 amplifier.

The Peavey Valveking 212 amplifier uses:

  • 2 x ECC83 (also called 12AX7) preamp valves.
  • 1 x Balanced ECC83 for the phase inverter in position V3.
  • 4 x 6L6GC matched power valves/power tubes.

We always recommend JJ valves for Peavey Valveking 212 amplifier. They offer a great tone at a very competitive price. You can order these singly, as matched quads, or a complete set of seven valves.

Order your valves for Peavey Valveking 212 below and hear the difference.

Bring back the power and sparkle to your guitar amplifier. Treat yourself to a new set of valves. 

  • All valve kits are carefully selected, fully tested and digitally matched.
  • Selected Premium Grade JJ valves will guarantee awesome tone and performance.
  • Fast delivery available with full tracking and insurance. So you know your tubes will arrive safely.
  • International shipping every day.

Replace the Valves for Peavey Valveking 212 amplifier.

If you have any questions about replacing the valves for Peavey Valveking 212 please do not hesitate to get in touch. We have over 30 years of experience so we will be happy to advise.

We also recommend that you take a look at our FAQ section. Here we answer all of the most common questions we get asked each week along with loads of useful hints and tips on upgrading your tubes.

About the Peavey Valveking 212:

The Peavey Valveking 212 amp is a 100 watt guitar amplifier.

The Valveking 212 combines boutique features and hot-rodded tones with legendary Peavey reliability. Features a patent-pending control called Texture. This allows sweepable selection between power structures, as well as any combination of the two.

The Peavey Valveking 212 is packed to the brim with features. It has 2 channels, Clean and Lead. The clean channel can crank out any kind of tone you want. From warm, rich bluesy tone, to the sharp twang of country.

It also has a bright Switch for all those pickups with too many mids and not enough highs. The Lead channel is impressive, still not up to par with the XXX series or anything, but you can still get just about anything out of it.

Gain and Volume:

The Peavey Valveking 212 also has a separate Volume and Gain boost for the lead channel. The gain boost changes the overall gain from overdriven and crunchy to the sweetest metal tone you can get for 600 bones.

The volume boost is not necessary on the The Peavey Valveking 212. It also has resonance and presence knobs, which respectively give more apparent low and high end.

The most amazing feature of the Peavey Valveking 212 however, is the “patent pending” texture knob, located on the back of the amp (which is kind of annoying when you first begin tweaking with it), full tilt to the left, and you have a genuine class A power amp, made more for overdriven crunchy tones, full tilt to the right, and you have a max-power class A/B power amp, more like the modern metal type sound you hear from bands like Disturbed. You can roll this knob anywhere in between these 2 settings, making almost any tone you desire.

Tubes for sale for Peavey Valveking 212 amplifiers. Order yours today and get your amp sounding better than ever.

If you’re looking for great sounding valves for your Peavey amplifier you’ve come to the right place.

Simply choose the complete replacement valve kit or the seperate valves for your amplifier below:
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