valves for Orange Rockerverb 50 MKIII

Orange Rockerverb 50 MKIII

Valves for Orange Rockerverb MKIII Head.

The Orange Rockerverb MKIII amplifier uses:

  • 4 x ECC83 (also called 12AX7) preamp valves.
  • 2 x ECC81 (12AT7).
  • 2 x EL34 matched power valves/power tubes.

Over time your valves will lose their tone and their power. A brand new set of valves will get your amp sounding like new again.

We always recommend JJ valves for the Orange Rockerverb MKIII amplifier. This is because they are quite simply the best. They guarantee you get awesome tone, power, and long life and they don’t cost a fortune. Remember, JJ is one of only five valve manufacturers in the world.

So don’t pay higher prices for valves from the same factory that have simply been rebranded by other companies.

Order your valves for the Orange Rockerverb MKIII amplifier below and hear the difference.

So restore the tone, the power and the sparkle to your guitar amplifier. Treat yourself to a brand new set of valves today.

  • All of our valves are carefully selected, fully tested and digitally matched.
  • We offer a variety of shipping options with a full door-to-door tracking service and insurance so you can order with confidence.
  • We have 30 years of experience so you know you are in safe hands.
  • International shipping – we post all over the world every single day.

Replace the Valves on your Orange Rockerverb MKIII amplifier

If you have any queries about replacing the valves please drop us an email. One of the team best qualified to answer your question will get straight back to you.

We have over 30 years of experience so we will always be happy to help and advise.

If you haven’t changed your valves before, please take a look at our very helpful FAQ section before contacting us. Here you find the answer to most questions along with some very useful hints and tips.

About the Orange Rockerverb MKIII amp:

The Rockerverb 50 MKIII head combines over a decade of user feedback with numerous improvements to the design. In a first for the Rockerverb Series, the MKIIIs include selectable output power options to manipulate headroom and volume.

  • V1. ECC83/12AX7: Clean
  • V2. ECC83/12AX7: Dirty Channel Stage 1 & 2
  • V3. ECC83/12AX7: Dirty Channel Stage 3 & 4
  • V4. ECC81/12AT7: FX Loop
  • V5. ECC81/12AT7: Reverb
  • V6. ECC83/12AX7: Phase Inverter

This 50 Watt version switches down to 25W in half power mode, whilst the mains transformers have also been upgraded for better low-end response and articulation. The MKIII also features the same foot-switchable attenuator that has been so popular with users of our Thunderverb and Dual Dark Series amps.

The Clean channel has been revoiced on the MKIIIs for a more ‘chimey’ response. The clean side now has even greater headroom than previous models, whilst still retaining the warmth and vintage character of a non-master volume design.

Also, the valve-driven spring reverb now has a more extensive range with a brighter trail. Add to this a host of other hidden refinements and you have the finest sounding and most feature-laden Rockerverb to date.

Best valves for the Orange Rockerverb MKIII amplifiers. Order yours today and get your amp sounding even better.

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