Replacement valve kit for Marshall JCM900 4502

Marshall JCM900 4502

Valves for Marshall JCM900 4502 amplifier.

The Marshall JCM900 4502 amplifier uses:

  • 2 x ECC83 (also called 12AX7) preamp valves.
  • 1 x Balanced ECC83 for the phase inverter in position V3.
  • 2 x 5881 matched power valves/power tubes.

We always recommend JJ valves for Marshall JCM900 4502 amplifier. They guarantee that you will get awesome tone and power at a very competitive price. Remember, JJ is one of only five manufacturers of valves in the world. So don’t pay more for rebranded versions of the exact same valve.

Order your valves for Marshall JCM900 4502 below and hear the difference they make.

So bring back the power and sparkle to your guitar amplifier. Treat yourself to a brand new set of valves today.

  • Each valve set is carefully selected, fully tested and digitally matched.
  • We offer fast delivery with full tracking. So order with total confidence.
  • International shipping – we ship all over the world every single day.

Replace the Valves for Marshall JCM900 4502 amplifier.

If you have any questions about replacing the valves for Marshall JCM900 4502 please do not hesitate to drop us an email. One of the team best suited to answer your question will get straight back to you.

We have over 30 years of experience so we are always glad to help with any problems.

About the Marshall JCM900 4502:

The JCM900 4502 is the dual speaker combo version of the JCM900 4500 head. The single speaker combo version is the JCM900 4501.

Marshall have specialised in the production of valve amplification since 1962. The unique tone and playing response have formed the cornerstone of the Marshall “Sound of Rock”. The JCM 900 models split into two distinct product ranges, the Master Volume SL-X and the Dual Reverb. So although they share common ancestry their applications are very different.

Features of this amp.

Effects Loop Level Control: Adjusts the level of the effects loop from -10dBV to + 4dBm. Higher settings match modern effects processors and lower settings match floor pedals.

FX Send Socket: Jack socket for connection to the input of external effects processor.

Recording Compensated Line-Out Socket: Jack socket for direct connection to recording equipment or PA system. The signal is specially filtered for optimum recording performance.

Output Mode Switch: Switches the amplifier from high to low power output. The “low” setting configures the output stage to “triode” operation, which gives half the rated output (i.e. 25 Watts on 50 Watts models – or 50 Watts on 100 Watt models). The “high” power position gives “pentode” operation for the full rated output.

So, if you’re looking for great sounding valves for your Marshall JCM900 4502 amplifier you’ve come to the best place.

Simply choose the complete replacement valve kit or the seperate valves for your amplifier below:
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